8 Ways to Be a Tree Pod Burial

Do you ever feel like trees are more than just green and leafy? Maybe you feel like they’re sentient beings that deserve our respect and care. If so, then you’re in good company. Trees have been with us since the beginning of time, and we owe them everything. They provide us with oxygen, shade, and food—and that’s not to mention their importance for climate change. In fact, trees are so important that there are now plans to create tree pods as burial sites. Here are eight ways to be a tree pod burial: 1) Make a donation to a forest preserve or conservation organization. 2) Plant a tree in honor of someone special. 3) Plant a tree in memory of a loved one who has passed away. 4) Plant a tree in honor of your own health and well-being. 5) Plant a tree in memory of somebody who has influenced your life in a positive way. 6) Plant a tree in honor of your environment. 7) Plant a tree in memory of somebody who is gone but never forgotten. 8) Plant a tree in remembrance of all the trees that have died throughout history.

The History of Tree Pod Burials

A tree pod burial is an ancient practice that has been used by cultures all around the world. It is a way to preserve a body while allowing the body to decompose naturally. This method of burial was popular in pre-industrial societies where there were few other options for burial.

Tree pod burials are also known as bark coffins, storage coffins, and tree shrouds. They are made from dead trees or logs that have been cut into cylindrical shapes. The logs are then covered in softwood or bark and wrapped tightly around the body. The ends of the logs are then either tied together or rested on top of the coffin so that it forms a lid.

Tree pod burials were most commonly used in pre-industrial societies where there were few other options for burial. They are still used today in some parts of the world, but they are less common than they used to be because they are more difficult to make and carry out.

The Different Types of Tree Pod Burials

There are many different types of tree pod burials, each with its own unique benefits. Tree pod burials can provide an interesting and unique burial option for those who want to be buried in nature.

The most common type of tree pod burial is the direct burial of a standing tree’s fruit or seeds inside of a coffin-like container. This type of burial is eco-friendly because it uses natural materials and does not require any artificial modifications to the tree. Another benefit of this type of burial is that the tree remains alive and healthy after the burial process is complete.

Another type of tree pod burial is called an indirect burial. In this method, a tree’s fruit or seeds are buried indirectly by placing them into large pots or baskets filled with dirt, stones, or wood chips. After the pot or basket has been filled to the desired depth, the entire mixture is then buried in soil. Indirect tree pod burials are more expensive than direct buryings, but they offer several advantages over traditional coffins: they are less likely to cause environmental damage, they can be arranged in any direction, and they can be customized to fit any size coffin or body.

Tree pod coffins also exist in a third variation: biodegradable coffins made from plant materials such as banana leaves or wooden planks treated with resin. These coffins decompose over time without leaving behind any harmful debris or pollution in the environment.

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Preparing for a Tree Pod Burial

When it comes to funeral preparations, there are a few things you can do in order to make the process as smooth as possible for your loved ones. Below, we’ve outlined some of the key steps that you can take in order to prepare for a tree pod burial:

1. Choose the Right Spot
First and foremost, you’ll want to choose a spot where your loved one will be laid to rest. Once you have settled on a location, you’ll need to decide on the kind of soil that will be suitable for your pod burial. This depends on your geographical region and what type of tree pod your loved one was buried in. If you’re not sure how to choose the right soil, consult an expert or search online for information on specific types of soils.

2. Make Arrangements with Your Funeral Home
After selecting the right spot, it’s important to make arrangements with your funeral home so that they can handle all of the practical details related to your loved one’s burial. This includes arranging insurance coverage and coordinating with local authorities who may need to be notified about the funeral. Additionally, it’s important to contact any family members who may want to attend the burial ceremony or bury their own memories alongside your loved one’s tree pod.

3. Prepare Your Loved One’s Body For Burial
Now that all of the arrangements have been made, it’s time for you to prepare your loved one’s body for burial

How to Perform a Tree Pod Burial

A tree pod burial is a natural way to respectfully bury your loved one. You will need some supplies and time to perform the ceremony. The procedure is simple:

1. Choose a site on or near a tree where the deceased will be easily visible from the ground.
2. Clear away any debris around the base of the tree.
3. Remove any remaining branches from the tree so that it is at least six feet off of the ground.
4. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate your loved one’s body and their clothing, if desired (a shovel will make this easier).
5. Put your loved one’s body into the hole, making sure that their head and feet are protruding out of the top of the hole so that they can be easily identified after burial.
6. Cover your loved one’s body with soil, adding any flowers or other plants you might want to decorate the grave afterwards.
7. Backfill the hole with fresh soil, and replant any trees that were cut down during construction of your memorial garden.

 tree pod burial, there are many things that need to be done in order to care for the tree and the body. The first step is to remove the tree from its location.

The Aftermath of a Tree Pod Burial

After a tree pod burial, there are many things that need to be done in order to care for the tree and the body. The first step is to remove the tree from its location. This can be done by cutting down the tree or using a tractor to pull it out. Next,dig a hole large enough for the body and the tree pod. Make sure that the soil is loose so that the body can be buried easily. The body should then be lowered into the hole and covered with soil.

How To Take Care of Your Tree Pods

It’s time to start thinking about taking care of your tree pods! Here are a few tips:

-Clean the pod regularly with a garden hose. Be sure to get inside and around the stalk.
-If you see brown or black mold, clean the pod and surrounding area with a solution of 1 cup bleach to 3 gallons of water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spritz the pod until it is wetted all over. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then scrub it clean with a brush.
-Protect your tree pod from deer by installing a wire mesh fence around it. Deer will not bother eating tree pods that are secured this way.

10 Best and Worst Things To Do After Your Next Tree Pod

After you’ve collected all of the tree pod samples from around your property, it’s time to start thinking about what to do with them. If you’re like most people, the first thing that comes to mind is disposal.

Some people choose to compost their tree pod samples, while others simply throw them away. However, there are other options available if you want to do something a little more sustainable with your tree pod samples.

One option is to turn them into pottery. By mixing the pod samples with clay and firing them in an oven, you create unique pottery pieces that can be used as vases ornaments. Additionally, this process can help preserve the tree pod sample since no chemicals are involved in making the pottery.

Another option is to use the tree pod samples as natural dye ingredients for fabric projects. By boiling the pod samples and using a colorant like madder root or safflower extract, you can create beautiful shades of yarns and fabrics that are perfect for use in home decorating or clothing items.

Whether you decide to compost or dye your tree pod samples, there are many ways to make use of them and make sure they continue to play an important role in sustainability efforts across our planet.


It can be hard to know how to go about arranging a funeral when you have passed away, but there are plenty of options available if you want to be buried as a tree pod. If you are looking for something unique and individual, tree pod burials might just be the perfect choice for you. They are also eco-friendly and cost effective, so it is worth considering them if you want to make your funeral arrangements in an environmentally friendly way. Whatever route you choose, we hope this article has provided you with some useful information that will help make the process easier for you.

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