Cookie Policy

We use cookies to keep track of your shopping cart, as well as to improve our website and services. Cookies also help us understand how visitors interact with our site so we can make improvements over time.

If you decide not to allow cookies on your computer or mobile device, some parts of the Shruggy website might not work properly. Information We Collect

We collect: Information you provide to us directly. For example, we collect information when you register for an account on the Store or when you check out, contact us or make a purchase with us; Information we obtain from you through the use of cookies and other technologies, including but not limited to personal data (such as your name, email address and telephone number) that we automatically receive from cookies placed on your computer or mobile device by Shruggy while visiting our website and any other third party websites. We also may receive information about your use of our website from “cookies” placed on your computer by third-party advertisers.