A thrifty mom diy recipes crafts online Amazon deals


Welcome to A Thrifty Mom, where we bring you the best DIY recipes, crafts, online Amazon deals and everything in between! Whether you’re a frugal guru or just looking for some inspiration on how to save money while still living your best life, our blog has got you covered. From mouth-watering recipes that won’t break the bank to budget-friendly home décor ideas and clever hacks for making everyday tasks easier, we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to live a savvy lifestyle. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and join us on this journey towards thriftiness – because being thrifty never looked so good!

How to save money on groceries

Looking to save money on groceries? Check out these tips:

1. Stock up on basics. Make sure you have a variety of food items on hand, including canned goods, boxed foods, and staples like pasta and cereal. This will help keep costs down because you won’t have to go shopping as often.

2. Shop the sales. Grocery stores often have great deals on specific items, so it’s worth checking out the weekly flyer or heading over to the special bin during your regular visit.

3. Cook at home more often. Not only will this mean you’re saving money on groceries, but you’ll also be eating healthier meals that are ready in less time than restaurant fare can take. Plus, there’s no need to worry about finding a parking spot or waiting in line!

4. Join a couponing club. If you don’t have time to cook at home or find great deals during normal shopping trips, signing up for a couponing club may be an option for you. These clubs send out newsletters with lists of deals and coupons for different products, so it’s easy to grab something quick and cheap without having to search through individual newspapers!

How to save money on clothes

Looking to save money on clothes? Check out these DIY recipes and crafts!

When it comes to shopping for clothes, a lot of people tend to go with what they think is the most affordable option. However, this can often lead to buying low-quality items that will eventually need to be replaced. If you’re looking to save money on your wardrobe, here are some tips for you:

1. Shop at thrift stores – In addition to being affordable, thrift stores offer high-quality clothing that’s not typically found in department stores. Just be sure to research which store has the best selection in your area before heading out shopping.

2. Be creative with your wardrobe – Instead of constantly shopping for new clothes, why not experiment with different outfits and see what looks best on you? This can help you find pieces that are both stylish and affordable.

3. Stick to basics – When it comes to clothing, it’s important to stick with basics such as jeans and T-shirts. This way, you’ll be able to mix and match different items without spending a fortune each time.

4. Look online – If budget restrictions prohibit you from visiting a thrift store or making major changes to your style, consider checking out online retailers such as Amazon. Not only do they have great prices, but they also offer a wide range of clothing options that you might not find in traditional stores.

5. Check out used clothing websites – Another

How to save money on transportation

If you’re looking for ways to save money on transportation, there are a few things you can do. Some of the easiest ways to save money on transportation include using public transportation, carpooling, and biking.

Public transportation can be a great way to save money on your transportation costs. You can often get a discounted rate if you use public transit. Additionally, many public transit systems offer ridership bonuses, which means that you can earn extra money if you use their service regularly.

Another way to save on your transportation costs is to carpool with friends or family members. Carpooling can help reduce your carbon footprint and also reduce your traffic congestion. In some cases, carpooling can also help you earn valuable travel rewards.

Finally, biking can be another great way to save on your transportation costs. Not only does bicycling require less gas than driving a car, but it also helps reduce your carbon footprint. Cycling is also a good way to keep in shape and get exercise.

How to save money on healthcare

As a busy mom, one of the best ways to save money on healthcare is to do your own research and find affordable health solutions online or at local stores. Check out these five tips for saving on healthcare:

1. Shop Around for Health Insurance Plans
There are many different health insurance plans available, so it’s important to compare prices and see which option offers the best value for your needs. You can also investigate possible deductibles and maximum out-of-pocket costs to make sure you aren’t spending too much out of your own pocket.
2. Try Online Health Solutions
Many online solutions offer lower costs than traditional providers, and you can often get same-day or even same-hour appointments with doctors who use these platforms. Many of these sites also offer free consultations with physicians so you can get a feel for how they work before making a commitment.
3. Stay Healthy at Home
One of the best ways to save on healthcare is to maintain good overall health and avoid dangerous activities that could lead to costly medical bills down the road. Make sure to get regular checkups and screenings, eat healthy foods, avoid excessive drinking, and stay active by exercising regularly.
4. Medicate Wisely
If you need medication for treatment, be sure to shop around and compare prices before purchasing any medications from either brick-and-mortar stores or online pharmacies. Sometimes insurers will cover some or all of the cost of

How to save money on entertainment

One way to save money on entertainment is to do your own research. Check out online coupons and deals sites, or read articles about ways to save money on movie tickets, theatre admissions, and more. You can also try free methods like watching shows online or downloading free apps that offer discounts on entertainment items. And don’t forget about bartering! Sometimes people will trade services (like babysitting) in return for discounted tickets or goods. Finally, be creative and think outside the box when it comes to saving money on entertainment. One example is watching movies at home using a rented movie code from Redbox. You may be surprised at all of the different ways you can cut costs without having to sacrifice quality!


Thank you for reading our article on thrifty mom diy recipes and crafts online Amazon deals. We hope that by providing you with this information, we have helped to save you some time and money. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!

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